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Specialty Programs

Teen Rec

This class was created for girls aged 11 and up. Whether beginner, intermediate or advanced, our coach will assist the girls in making and achieving personal goals. They have the option of working towards CanGym badges, or simply just working on skills they would like to learn. A great way to stay active and in shape!  $26/class


If you see your child's feet more than their lovely smile, then Tumblers is the class for them! This one hour co-ed class utilizes the spring floor as well as our  bouncy airfloor and foam pit to safely learn tumbling skills from the basics up. Tumblers 1 focuses on basics such as rolls, handstands, and cartwheels, while Tumblers 2 improves the basics as well as adding skills such as walkovers, handsprings etc. Both classes have flexibility and strength components.   $22/class

Adult Gym 'n Fit
(currently not running)

Join our adult combo class! The first 45 minutes of the class will be dedicated to various types of cardio/fitness training. Then you can let loose your inner child, and learn some new skills in the gym! This class will be led by our assistant head coach, who has a BSc in Kinesiology, and is a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach (as well as a pretty awesome former gymnast!) No experience necessary! 16 yrs and up.

More to come.....
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